When someone is paying you for the first time or they’re making changes to the payment instruction details, they’ll be asked to confirm if your account is a Business or Personal Account. We’ll be asked to confirm if your account name is correct and matches the name on the payment instruction and confirm the Account type is correct.
The Payment Sender will receive a response to say how closely the information matches and they’ll then be able to make a decision on whether they want to make the payment, check the details they’ve input are correct or not proceed with making the payment.
- If they get a Match – They know your account is your personal or business account and have used the correct account name, they can proceed with the payment.>
- If they get a Close Match – they’ve used a similar name, we will be sharing your account name back with the senders bank and this will be provided to that person - They can decide whether to make the payment or check with you.
If you have any concerns about name sharing please contact us for more information.
- If they don’t get a Match - They should check with you before making the payment but they can decide to proceed with the payment without checking with you.
Some exceptions:
If the Payment Sender’s bank is not registered for Confirmation of Payee, or is not quite ready to send requests to us, then they won’t see any change to their payment process and will be able to pay you as they do today.
Where the Confirmation of Payee name check isn’t available an onscreen message will confirm that to the other person and will be able to pay you as they do today.