26 May 2023

Update your details
Manage internet and telephone banking
If you are looking to update your Business Mandate, you may also need to update your Primary user for Business Internet Banking. This should be done before you submit a New Business Mandate*
- Business Internet Banking Registration
Please note: if you are updating your Business Mandate, this will need to be completed before you submit a Business Internet Banking Registration Form. - Business Internet Banking Replace Primary User Form
- Business Telephone Banking – Register, add new users or reset security details
- Business Internet Banking Limit Amendment Form
To access this form, the Primary User should log onto Business Internet Banking, select Manage Business from the left hand menu and select Display daily payment limit > Change. Here they will be able to access the Business Internet Banking Limit Amendment Form.
*If the Primary user form or BIB registration form is submitted before a new mandate is processed the forms may be rejected in line with the mandate that is already held for the business, you may then need to resubmit the replace primary user form.
Order cards for your business
Universal Mandate
If you are making changes to your Business Mandate, you may also need to update your Business address and the Businesses Primary User for internet banking, both forms can be found on this page. Additionally, if you’re removing individuals from the business mandate, other information may also need updating. This could include, but is not limited to, debit cards and Business internet banking secondary users.